About a boy - I feel boy. I think I'm carrying "boy" and this pregnancy closely resembles the one I had with Vincent. I think another boy would be great in the sense that Vincent, my son, could have a brother to play with - and I'm not sure how Hayden, my daughter, would feel if she weren't the only girl. However, another boy scares me in the sense that I keep imagining another Vincent and I don't know if I couldn't handle two Vincents. It's kind of a ridiculous fear because I know no 2 kids are the same, but, I can't help but wonder how exhausted I'd be.
About a girl ( - I see girl. When I envision my birth, I see girl. I dreamt that I told Jarrod, "See, you do make girls!" I am far more attached to our girl name then I am our boy name - and it came to me very easily. However, I don't see myself with girls. I've always seen myself with more boys. Even Hayden is a "tomboy." I think maybe I keep seeing a girl because it would be more of a surprise - since I keep thinking I'll have boys. And, surprises are fun.
It's interesting how everyone has an opinion too. I love guessing the sex of growing fetuses. (And, for the most part, I guess correctly - as long as the kid isn't one growing in my uterus). About half the people I know guess girl and the other half guess boy. I'd guess half of them are right.
In any sense, I really like not knowing. I wish I had stuck to my guns and not found out with Hayden or Vincent. I know that a lot of people can't wait. I also know a lot of people who would want it to be a surprise if they already have "one of each." I also get excited and giddy when I found out someone I know is going to their ultrasound appointment and will be finding out. However, honestly, I strongly recommend waiting. There's just something nice about having all this mystery around you. I also like the idea that no one is telling me what sex my baby is. I can not wait to hold my baby in my arms and look for myself. I can't wait to be the one who announces, "It's a boy!" Or girl. Who knows.
Did you find out the sex of your baby before the birth? Why or why not?